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"Let´s Talk About (Legal) Reliability of the Cadastre"

PCC-Conference, Vienna, 20-21/ 11/ 2018

With the wider availability of cadastral data/information the cadastre is increasingly used not only for the purpose of property transactions or taxation but more in a multipurpose cadastre sense as part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) of a country and as a cornerstone for eGovernment.


Today the cadastre all over Europe is predominantly available in digital form. As soon as the data/information is available and easily accessible, e.g. via web portals, clients use cadastral information for many different purposes. In this context a cadastral system shall enable the users to reliably identify the location of a parcel as well as the extent of rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land and real property.

As the cadastre is used in combination with other data or as a layer in a SDI, the quality of the data increasingly becomes an issue. Spatial information is collected and managed at differing levels of precision. Inaccurate data affect the quality of decision making at the parcel level. Improved quality of spatial information will lead to increased consumer confidence and trust.
The availability of cadastral information in an appropriate quality is a requirement for supporting decision making in land use and land development, increases the trust of the users in the cadastre and strengthens the (legal) reliability of the cadastral data.

In Austria, 50 years ago, a legal cadastre (the so called “Grenzkataster”), was implemented with the objective to extend the purpose of the cadastre from taxation to legal validity of the property boundaries. Now, 50 year later, we can evaluate the process of implementing the legal cadastre.

During this PCC-Conference in Vienna we will get an overview of the situation in the PCC member countries, how the cadastre is used, what quality aspects are set, what challenges are foreseen and which measures are taken to get the cadastre in an appropriate quality to fulfil its role.


Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union:

© 2018 BEV

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